Even My Version OF Betcha Can't do It Like Me was better........... what app are you using???
Even My Version OF Betcha Can't do It Like Me was better........... what app are you using???
1.People At NG Dont Think So
2.Yours Is So Off, That Even With The Right Sounds Yours Sucked
Lots of Diversity = Greatness
I like your style man, It was like a mysterious trance mabob for some reason it reminded me of Resident evil 4 lol. What app do you use??? Anwyay good it was missing something though. I can't quite put my finger on it.....
Glad you liked it! Like the comment says I use Propellerheads Reason. Thanks for thee review
Needs Bass.
Im think all your songs would be waaaaaaaaaay better if you added some bass. When it gets to the beat and the saw string it just sounds empty........ Bass would really help that part :D. So anywayz good job and be sure to drop a line on my stuff, k?
Thanks for the review, yeah next time I'll add more bass!!! I'm counting on you for more reviews!
Great Job!
Wow only second song eh??? I liked the diversity of the beats, do you sample???? Just axin...... Anywayz Good Yob. Looking forward to some more.
This one is my third one =) I'm glad that you like this song. Personally this one is my favorite! Keep reviewing!
WHat did you use to make this???!!!
dude seriously this is one of the few tracks that really deserves a 10. I just would like to know what you used to make this. IT was absolutely brilliant it had a great variation of notes and it all blended together perfectly. Very good job.
Whoa! Thx for 10 man :D I used Reason 2.5 mostly with standard & orchestral sound bank.
that was awesome!
dude all your music sounds like the stuff i used to make when i was first starting out.
Is that a compliment, or...? Ha well regardless thnx for the review. I see u like Jedi Mind, it's hard to find ppl on here or anywhere who like underground music. Cool.
buen trabajo primo.
me gusta mucho este sonido :).
No mames di la verdad
P.S conectate a las 5 todos los dias pero al messenger wey
didnt really like it.
you stole this
you deleted some of the channels and saved it. this song is by deadmau5. im goign to whistle this.
Yeah i know its made by deadmau.5 but i took only the vocals and remixed it so actually this is made by me and not deadmau but i can agree that i was wrong not to give cred.
What it is fags. Be sure to review n' rate my shit and i'll do the same for you. -Objekt
Age 34, Male
eisenhower highschool
Blue island,IL
Joined on 4/5/03